Alexandr Parfenyk

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Alexandr’s church in Vinnytsya, Ukraine seeks to share Jesus’ love with their city through serving the social needs of their community, including operating an addiction rehab center and support programs for families in poverty. However, Alexandr knows that in order for the church to have far-reaching impact, they need maturity and depth internally. This is why Alexandr was so eager to implement smallcircle in his own church, and now also leads trainings across Ukraine. No longer is disciple-making limited to leaders of the church, but with the help of smallcircle resources, every church member can be a disciple-maker and grow in spiritual maturity.

Multiplying Impact
  • There are 100 disciple-makers in Alexandr’s church—previously only a small group of leadership were focused on disciple-making.
  • Hundreds of smallcircle workbooks in the local language have been distributed across Ukraine.
  • Alexandr has also trained pastors in Estonia, Finland, Russia, and Spain.
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